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Tuesday 25 January 2011

صورة الرجل الذي وجد مقطوع الرأس في انفجار مطار موسكو 
 "Bomber in Moscow airport yelled: "I'll kill you all
أدى انفجار نفذ في جناح وصول الرحلات الدولية في مطار دوموديدوفو بموسكو روسيا ، إلى مقتل 35 شخصا وإصابة 46 بجروح ، وفق المتحدثة باسم المطار إيلينا غالانوفا.WITNESSES told last night how an Islamic bomber yelled: "I'll kill you all" then blew himself up in a packed airport arrivals hall killing 35 - two of them Brits.
This is the suspected man
ونقلت وكالة أنباء إنترفاكس عن مصدر في الشرطة إن الانتحاري الذي فجر نفسه في مطار موسكو الإثنين له ملامح "عربية" ويتراوح عمره بين 30 و35 عاما.
وقال المصدر "وجدنا رأس رجل ملامحه عربية وعمره ما بين 30 و35 عاما، هو الذي فجر الشحنة على الارجح". ورجح مصدر آخر أن يكون الانتحاري من القوقاز الروسي.

UPDATE (12:38 EST)
Russia Today reports body parts of the suspect bomber haver been found:
 The body parts of the alleged suicide bomber have been found at the scene according to Interfax news agency. Reportedly it is a man of Arab appearance. A source from the blast investigation team told Itar-Tass that the parts may indeed belong to a terrorist, but added that it is too early to say for sure that the explosion was carried out by a suicide bomber. “Before a professional examination is taken, one must be very careful with such terms as ‘suicide bomber,’” the source said. According to him, the perpetrators could have use someone who did not know he was going to blow up, or he could have just been carrying an explosive device with him.
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