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Monday 25 July 2011

 مجزرة النرويج: سائح ألماني يصبح بطلا بعد إنقاذه 30 شخصا
German Roofer Hailed As Hero For Saving 30 Norwegian Teens From Shooting
مشاهير123- استطاع سائح ألماني أن يصبح بطلا بعد ابحاره مباشرة في خط اطلاق النار لانقاذ ما يصل الى 30 شخصا خلال المجزرة الوحشية على جزيرة أوتويا في النرويج.
لقد كان "مارسيل غليف" كان أول من السباق على جزيرة الشاعرية Utoeya، حيث يعيش أكثر من 500 من الشباب كانوا يحضرون مخيم صيفي نظمته AUF، جناح الشباب في حزب العمال الحاكم، عندما فتح المسلح بريفيك اندرس بهرنغ النار .
قام السيد غليف، الذي كان يجلس في المخيم العطلة فى البر الرئيسى القريب من جزيرة أوتويا،و ركب في قاربه ودخل الماء متجها مباشرة الى الجزيرة بعد سماع الطلقات النارية ورؤيته لأعمدة من الدخان تتصاعد من الجزيرة.
و انقذ بشجاعة العشرات من المراهقين الذين فروا خوفا على حياتهم من رصاص المتهم أندريس بريفيك .
قال السيد مارسيل غليف : "فعلت ذلك.. بالفطرة" ،. "لا يمكنك الشعور بالخوف في حالة من هذا القبيل ، يمكنك أن تفعل كل ما يتطلبه منك الوضع، فأنا أعرف الفرق بين الالعاب النارية واطلاق النار بالرصاص الحي، وأنا أعرف ما كان عليه تقريبا ، وأن الوضع ليس مجرد لعبة.
English: Machahir123-- In the wake of last week’s devastating shooting attack on the Norwegian island of Utøya, several tales of individual heroism and survival are now starting to emerge.
Mr Gleffe and his family were drinking coffee outside their caravan and discussing the Oslo bombing when they began to hear shots from Utoeya between 5pm and 6pm on Friday.
"I recognised the sound of the automatic weapon straight away," he said.
"Then I saw two youths who swam away from the island. Then smoke grenades came and several bursts from the automatic weapon. I saw through the binoculars that there were more people in the water."
Mr Gleffe, who lives in Ski, south of Oslo, took the keys to his boat and raced down to the water.
He threw life jackets out to the young people as they shouted: "Are you police, are you police?". Some told him that the gunman was a police officer as others yelled "terrorist, terrorist, terrorist!".
He plucked as many as he could from the water, steering the boat close to the shore of the island and using his binoculars to search for the gunman.
One 32-year-old roofer from Germany, for example, sped on his boat to the island, and helped guide many young people who had tried to swim away from the massacre back safely to shore.
“I just did it on instinct,” Marcel Gleffe told The Telegraph. “You don’t get scared in a situation like that, you just do what it takes. I know the difference between fireworks and gunfire. I knew what it was about, and that it wasn’t just nonsense.”
Gleffe was camping with his parents on the mainland directly across from Utøya. The three were discussing the recent bombing in Oslo when Gleffe heard some shots and then saw a teenager swimming to shore, yelling “help,” he told Der Spiegel. He immediately realized that the shooting he heard was connected to the Oslo bombing, and he jumped in a small boat his family had rented for the trip and began speeding to the island.

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