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Thursday 7 July 2011

مصر: اختفاء سوزان ,زوجة حسني مبارك  من شرم الشيخ
Friday anticipation, Suzanne Mubarak alleged escape and missing prison food
مشاهير123 - قالت مصادر مقربة من أسرة الرئيس السابق حسنى مبارك ان سوزان مبارك لم تدخل مستشفى شرم الشيخ الدولي منذ ثلاثة أيام ولم تزر مبارك طوال تلك الفترة نهائيا وكلفت خديجة الجمال زوجة جمال مبارك بمرافقته وتلبية طلباته.
وذكرت صحيفة "الوفد" في عددها الصادر اليوم أن سوزان مبارك اختفت ولم يتم مشاهدتها حتى سيارتها المرسيدس التى كانت تتحرك بها بشكل مستمر مازالت قابعة امام قصر الشيخ ولم تتحرك طيلة الأيام الثلاثة الماضية.
ودعمت المصادر قولها بان سوزان غادرت شرم الشيخ فى سرية تامة دون معرفة احد وطلبت عدم الافصاح
عن ذلك متوجهة الى القاهرة على متن طائرة خاصة بصحبة هايدي راسخ زوجة علاء مبارك وتوجهت الى منزلها فى منطقة مصر الجديدة بدون عدد كبيرمن حراسها الشخصيين.
واشارت مصادر داخل المستشفى الى ان سوزان مبارك توجهت لعيادة الاسنان للكشف على اسنانها وذلك قبل سفرها بعدة ايام ورفضت اجراء اى فحوصات من جانب الطبيب وطلبت احضار طبيبها الخاص من القاهرة الا ان ادارة المستشفى رفضت واكدت مصادر قيام سوزان بتلك الحيلة حتى تجد مبررا لسفرها خاصة بعد صدور القرار الذى يلزمها بضرورة ابلاغ الجهات الامنية بسفرها ومقر اقامتها.
English: Machahir123 -- Besides its coverage of the Suez violence and Friday’s protest, Al-Wafd reports on what it says is th mysterious disappearance of former First Lady Suzanne Mubarak. Claiming that “she has not visited her husband in three days,” the paper attempts to piece together the few clues that it has, namely that her black Mercedes is still parked outside of her family’s Sharm estate, and that she allegedly visited the dentist several days ago. Through several incongruous leaps in logic, and a tip-off from an “anonymous source close to the Mubarak family,” the paper concludes that Mubarak has returned to her home in Cairo, after allegedly having snuck out of Sharm el-Sheikh on a private jet accompanied by minimal security. Al-Wafd points out that this could be a violation of her travel ban.
Security has heightened in the face of ongoing protests outside the Sharm el-Sheikh hospital where the former president is reported to be receiving treatment for a long list of vaguely defined illnesses. According to Al-Wafd, frustrated protesters are (finally) beginning to question whether or not the former president is actually in the hospital, or in some other unknown location.
Inadvertently or not, Al-Wafd continues to amuse with a report on the “discrepancies” at Tora prison, where many of Mubarak’s cronies and his two sons are being held. With apparent astonishment at the fact that “corruption follows the members of Mubarak’s regime wherever they go”, the paper proceeds to detail the investigation launched by the prison sector’s financial office into the disappearance of LE4,000 worth of food and beverages from the Tora prison cafeteria. With their investigation reaching a dead-end (even though Al-Wafd repeatedly hints at the obvious conclusion), officials are holding Prison Treasurer Mostafa Hussein responsible and have ordered him to compensate the prison.

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