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Wednesday 6 July 2011

حقائق - الكشف عن العقل المدبر وراء قتل أسامة بن لادن, اسمه "جون" 
Revealed: The CIA mastermind who cornered Bin Laden, called "John"
مشاهير123 -  إن هناك عددا كافيا من الأشخاص في واشنطن الذين يعرفون من هو الشخص الملقب بـ"جون" بالطبع بمن فيهم الرئيس الأمريكي باراك أوباما وفريقه لشؤون الأمن، كما لن يستطيع أعضاء لجنة الاستخبارات في مجلس الشيوخ نسيان هذا الشخص الذي قدم شهادته أمامهم مؤخرا وهو الشخص الذي دبر لقتل زعيم تنظيم القاعدة أسامة بن لادن.
أما بالنسبة لنا، فلا بد أن نطلق العنان لخيالنا لنتصور شكل هذه الشخصية، فنحن لا نعرف عمره أو شكله ولكننا نعرف اسمه الأوسط "جون".
وضع هذا الرجل "Jhon" على مدار 10 سنوات كل تصور ممكن في مطاردة اسامة بن لادن وهو الذي أقنع أخيرا رئيسه ليون بانيتا والرئيس أوباما بأنه عثر عليه.
ولمزيد من الدقة،فقد أخبر "جون" القيادة الأمريكية أن بن لادن ربما يعيش في منزل محصن في أيبت آباد في باكستان وهو المكان الذي اقتحم بناء على أوامر من أوباما من قبل قوات خاصة محمولة جوا.
ووفقا لصحيفة الاندبندنت فإن "جون" أوصى بشن الهجوم على المجمع ورجح نسبة وجود بن لادن في المكان بحوالي 80 في المائة فقط.
New: le Agent de la CIA derrière ben Laden opération nommée · John
English: Machahir123--There are enough people in Washington who know who "John" is, including President Barack Obama and all of his top security team. Members of the Senate Intelligence Committee won't forget him any time soon because of the way he almost choked up when he testified before them recently. And people of his sort don't usually do that.
As for the rest of us, we must satisfy ourselves for now with a deliberately obscured portrait of this man. We can be fairly certain that some version of him will come to a cinema near where we live soon, played by Harrison Ford, if he isn't too old, or maybe Matt Damon. His story is that gripping and made all the more so because all of it actually happened. And it culminates in decisions that could have sunk a presidency; instead they may have rescued one.
He may be murky – even his age has not been revealed and John is actually his middle name – but we do now know of his existence. This, according to a report from the Associated Press, is the man who for almost a decade doggedly pursued every conceivable lead in the hunt for Osama bin Laden at the CIA and who finally persuaded his then boss, Leon Panetta, and President Obama that he had found him.
More accurately, he told them Bin Laden probably was among the residents of the fortified home in Abbottabad, Pakistan, which – on the President's orders – was raided by an airborne posse of Navy Seals on 2 May. That John went ahead and recommended the assault on the compound while putting the chances of Bin Laden being there at only 80 per cent says something about his cool – and that of Mr Obama.

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