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Thursday 18 August 2011

 مقتل سائح بريطاني بسبب هجوم سمكة قرش مفترسة بجزر سيشل
Seychelles shark attack leaves Briton dead
مشاهير123- لقى مواطن بريطانى مصرعه إثر تعرضه لهجوم من سمكة قرش أثناء تواجده فى جزر سيشل بالمحيط الهندى لقضاء شهر العسل.
ونقلت هيئة الإذاعة البريطانية (بى بى سى) اليوم الأربعاء عن متحدث باسم الشرطة قوله إن سمكة القرش هاجمت ايان راموند (30 عاما) أثناء قيامه بممارسة رياضة السباحة قبالة شاطىء (انسى لازيو)، والتهمت ذراعه وأصابته بجروح غائرة أودت
بحياته .
ويعد هذا الهجوم الثانى من نوعه الذى تشهده المنطقة ذاتها خلال الشهر الجارى.
من جانبها ، أمرت السلطات بمنع ممارسة رياضة الغوص فى المنطقة وإغلاق الشاطىء الذى شهد الحادث وكافة الشواطىء المحيطة ، كما أعلنت عزمها تكثيف بذل الجهود من أجل اصطياد سمكة القرش القاتلة.يشار إلى أن دوق ودوقة كامبريدج الأمير وليام وزوجته كيت قضيا عطلة شهر العسل فى وقت سابق من العام الجارى فى جزر سيشل .
Seychelles shark attack: widow describes 'awful scream' in interview
English: Machahir123-The widow of a man killed by a shark on their dream honeymoon in the Seychelles has said that her husband had laughed off the dangers of sharks.
Gemma Redmond described how she and her husband Ian had gone to the Seychelles partly because they thought the islands were free from dangerous animals.
In an interview with the BBC, she said she had asked a receptionist if there were sharks and was told: "No, not in the Seychelles, the Seychelles are very safe waters."
She said: "We didn't really think that sharks would be in the Seychelles at all. It wasn't something we were aware of."
Gemma Redmond has also described the moment she heard his "awful scream".
She said she first thought her husband was sneezing as he was snorkelling.
But Gemma said she soon realised he was in trouble.
She said: "I could see the top of his snorkel because he had a bright orange band around it so I could always follow where he was.
"And, all of a sudden, I heard this 'Help' and I thought at first he was sneezing.
"And then I heard it again – I heard 'Help' and the most awful scream.
"I can still hear it when I close my eyes."
Redmond said she was sitting with their bag on the beach and her 30-year-old husband had been in the water for 20 minutes when he was attacked.

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