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Monday 21 March 2011

بوتين يشبه قرار الامم المتحدة بخصوص ليبيا بدعوات صليبية
Putin likens U.N. Libya resolution to crusade calls
مشاهير123- شبه رئيس الوزراء الروسي فلاديمير بوتين يوم الاثنين قرار الامم المتحدة بدعم عملية عسكرية في ليبيا بدعوات العصور الوسطى لحملات صليبية.
وتابع للعمال في مصنع روسي للصواريخ الباليستية "القرار ناقص ومعيب... يسمح بكل شيء. يشبه دعوات العصور الوسطى لحملات صليبية.
English: Machahir123 -Russia, March 21 - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Monday likened the U.N. Security Council resolution supporting military action in Libya to medieval calls for crusades.
Putin, in the first major remarks from a Russian leader since a coalition of Western countries began air strikes in Libya, said that Muammar Gaddafi's government fell short of democracy but added that did not justify military intervention.
"The resolution is defective and flawed," Putin told workers at a Russian ballistic missile factory. "It allows everything. It resembles medieval calls for crusades."
Putin said that interference in other countries' internal affairs has become a trend in U.S. foreign policy and that the events in Libya indicated that Russia should strengthen its own defence capabilities.
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